
Easter in Gozo: a time of traditions

Easter time in Gozo is a very special time that is celebrated throughout the whole island.  Various festive activities are held in preparation for the Holy week which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday processions will be held in Nadur, Zebbug, Victoria, and Xaghra.  The procession involves real-life re-enactments of the life and death of Jesus Christ using various statues paraded through the streets.  The procession in Victoria is the oldest one in Gozo.  It starts at 17.30hrs from St. George’s Basilica.  Traditionally a number of men carry crosses and drag chains to signify repentance.  Another very popular procession is that of Xaghra and attracts a large participation.

On the other hand, Easter Sunday is represented by a different atmosphere where joy prevails.  After the procession and Easter Mass, locals go back to their home for the traditional family Easter lunch.  Children especially are very eager to taste the ‘Figolla’ which is the traditional Maltese Easter sweet and made of almond pastry.  Figolli come in various shapes such as a heart or various animals.



Processions on Easter day with the statue of the Risen Christ are as follows:

Victoria:  St. Georges Basilica at 08.45am and the Cathedral at 10.45am

Kercem: 09.15am

Nadur: 09.15am

Xewkija: 09.30am

Fontana: 10.30am

Qala:  11.00am

Zebbug:  05.00pm

Xaghra:  06.00pm

Gharb:  06.00pm


For more information and programme of events visit: